This page has links to download the latest Windows USB driver for the various Intech devices which require them.
Please note that Windows USB drivers are automatically installed with our current software as follows:
(Note: Windows 10/8.1/8 may install different driver versions via Windows Update when connected to the Internet.)
- MicroScan SCADA V5.1 = Silabs 6.6.1 (2400-IS and XU-USB) and Sentinel 7.5.8 (Sentinel USB Dongle).
- Intech Micro Remote Station Programmer = Silabs 6.7.3 (2400-IS and XU-USB).
- XU Software = Silabs 6.3 (XU-USB).
- uP Configure = Silabs 6.7.3 (XU-USB).
- Omni7 for Data Loggers = FTDI 2.12.00 (DLCxUSB USB Download Cables). [Note: This USB driver is not installed automatically.]
If you are experiencing any issues with the driver(s) from the above software, then the latest driver(s) can be downloaded via the links below.
Before proceeding to install any driver(s), please check the following:
- Has the computer been restarted after installing any software/driver(s)/Windows Updates?
- Check that all cables being used are securely attached to any device(s) and the computer.
- USB cable length cannot exceed 5m.
- RS232 cable length cannot exceed 15m.
- If the device(s) being connected to requires power, is the power turned on?
- For Data Loggers; The logger battery may be flat and require replacement. Typical logger battery life is 1 to 5 years, depending on usage.
Unplug any USB device from the computer when updating the USB driver. Always Restart the computer once the USB driver is updated. Then plug the USB device back into the computer. - Admin rights are required to install driver software.
Current Products that require a driver:
Latest available USB Driver Version:

2400-IS – Isolated Auto-Detecting USB/RS232 to RS485/422/232 Converter.
Silabs 6.7.6 (Windows 7/8/8.1)
Silabs 10.1.3 (Windows 10)

XU-USB (Rev 1) – USB Programming Key for XU Series transmitters, 2400-A16, Z-2400-Sleeper, IN-uP4, uP4-Din and Z-2400-A2 Series.
Silabs 6.7.6 (Windows 7/8/8.1)
Silabs 10.1.3 (Windows 10)

DLCxUSB USB Download Cables for PC Data Logger Connection.
Note: please view Omni7 Tech Support Information if you are having trouble connecting with a logger.

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 – required for MA5 (Mobile Alarming 5), XU Software and uP Configure software.
– likely to already be installed as part of Windows 7.
Note: Windows 10/8.1/8 require Internet access to install .NET Framework 3.5/2.0
Microsoft .NET 3.5 SP1
– includes 2.0
Driver download pages by manufacturer:
Note: the pages linked below contain download links for the latest Windows USB driver (which are linked in the table above), as well as links for older USB drivers for Windows platforms that are no longer supported by Microsoft (and therefore, also not supported by Intech).
- Silicon Labs – CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers (2400-IS and XU-USB)
- Gemalto – Sentinel Driver (Sentinel USB Dongle)
- FTDI Chip – Virtual COM Port Drivers (DLCxUSB)
Please note: Intech Instruments Ltd is not responsible for the content of any external web pages linked.